Founder Sher AD

 The golden light of the dawn of a bright future 

Founder Sher Khan Battles Mode Club

Sher Khan (FounderSher Khan Battles Mod Club NFTs) is the main Sher Khan of 517 different unique characters,  that is,  Founder Sher Khan.

 Each Sherkhan is the king of his own kingdom. Each king of the jungle that is,  Sher Khan, rules their own kingdom, and a universe consisting of

 517 Sher Khans is formed, which is known as the Superverse. Those Sher Khans will play the main role in Mining, Battle, and P2E games.   

 Which is a huge success.


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A Guide to Crypto Fear and Greed - crypto ex

 Despite their ups and downs, cryptocurrencies remain a solid long-term investment prospect in 2022. The main drivers of growth are an expanding market size, the arrival of new, reliable firms, and the practical usefulness of blockchain technology.

Day traders in the cryptocurrency space are also profiting from market turbulence. The two main emotions that affect an investor's decision-making, fear and greed, have an index called the crypto fear and greed index that is used by both investors and traders.

The stock fear and greed index and the cryptocurrency fear and greed index both function similarly. To gauge the mood of the cryptocurrency market,, a company that does investment analysis, launched it in 2018. The company gathers information on investor sentiment from many sources and informs clients if the market is bullish or bearish.

  • What is the Bitcoin Fear and Greed Index?
  • How to check the Fear and Greed Index?
  • What is the best fear and greed index crypto?
  • How do you read fear and greed index crypto?
  • Is fear and greed index reliable?
  • What is the lowest fear and greed index crypto?

The Crypto Fear and Greed Index: How Does It Work?

Based on the information it gathers, the index generates a number between 1 and 100. The market is in a state of "severe dread" if the score is between 0 and 24. Additionally, that the investors are quickly offloading their currencies.

A market is said to be in "fear" when it receives a score of 25 to 49, which signifies that investors' interest is largely tepid. This is a terrific time to buy for those who are willing to take on a lot of risk.

An indicator measuring cryptocurrency fear and greed has a score of 50, which indicates a balanced market.

A rating between 51 to 74 indicates that investors are becoming overconfident and are purchasing cryptocurrencies. The market is in a bubble and may soon bust if the market score falls between 75 and 100 points, which indicates "excessive greed." It is wise to liquidate stocks when the market becomes overly greedy.

The volatile nature of the cryptocurrency market causes investors to purchase and sell carelessly. In addition, FOMO makes people greedy and encourages them to invest.

An objective and realistic perspective of the market is provided by the cryptocurrency fear and greed index, which also serves to deter investors from making foolish investment choices. It also demonstrates that the market will quickly acquire momentum if the fear and greed index is low, and vice versa.

How is This Index Calculated? 

The cryptocurrency fear and greed index is calculated using a number of variables that are weighted. Let's examine each one of them:

  • Volatility: If the market volatility increases, it means that the market is scared or in panic.
  • Market Momentum/Volume: This indicator compares the current movement of the market with the current volume. For example, if volume exceeds long-term momentum, it indicates that the market is getting too greedy.
  • Social media: Here, a Twitter sentiment analysis tool is used to pinpoint an oddly high interaction rate to determine the greedy behavior of the market.
  • Bitcoin dominance: When the market is dominated by bitcoin, the market is in a state of fear and tries to move towards a safer digital asset. When the dominance of Bitcoin starts to decline, it means that market greed is increasing and they are investing in more risky altcoins.
  • Trends: This indicator uses Google Trends to find out the number of people looking for bitcoin information. When search terms like “bitcoin price manipulation” are more searched, it is a sign of a bearish market. The search for “Bitcoin price prediction” means that this is going to be a bullish market.
  • Surveys: Surveys also play a major role in determining whether the market is fearful or greedy among the crypto community.

Benefits of Using the Fear and Greed Index

According to experts, greed can compel investors to invest by putting aside their self-control and common sense. While there is no research that proves the biochemistry of greed, humans are powerfully motivated by fear and greed. However, it still has its advantages. some of them are:

  • Crypto investors do not have to spend a lot of time on research and can only invest based on index results.
  • With this index, traders and investors can understand the market sentiments better. They can take steps to be aware of both extremes. Plus, they can make smart buying and selling decisions.
  • Investors with a high risk appetite can use the crypto fear and greed index to invest against the market. They invest when the market is volatile and other investors do not want to invest.

How to use the Fear and Greed Index as a tool?

We have previously explained the four quadrants of this index:

  • 0-24 indicates extreme fear
  • 25-49 indicates a terrible crypto market
  • 50-74 shows that greed is slowly taking over the market
  • 75-100 shows the market is extremely greedy

Now, we'll look at how you can use this to your advantage to understand where the opportunities lie.

When the score is 0-24, the market is very scared. This is a good opportunity to invest at low cost. When the market is between 25-49, the market is fearful. The prices are still low and investors can still invest.

If the index score is 50-74, it means the market is getting greedy. During this time, the market is bullish and you can sell or wait for the market to go up. It is a risky decision as the market may go down.

Within 75-100, the market is extremely greedy and it means that a correction is about to happen soon. Here the opportunity is ripe to sell your investments.

The Financial Takeaway

Crypto investing is risky. Thus, using indices can be very helpful in making smart decisions. Typically, investors spend hours doing technical analysis of the market and finding investment opportunities. With the Fear and Greed Index, hours of research are not required. Investors can either buy or sell based on the index's score.

Crypto Fear and Greed - Frequently Asked Questions

1. Is the Fear and Greed Index reliable?

Yes, the Fear and Greed Index has factual dependence to be a notable index. It takes into account several aspects, such as volatility, trend and dominance, and determines whether the market is too greedy or too fearful between 0-100.

2. Which is more powerful: Fear or Greed?

Greed is more dangerous in the short term, while fear is more dangerous in the long term. Greed can force an investor to make wrong decisions, while fear can deter an investor from selling quickly or investing them outright.

3. How do you control fear and greed in trading?

You can put certain measures in place to control your fear and greed while trading. Here’s how:

  • Overleveraging.
  • Withdrawing, which prevents you from losing your position.
  • Doubling down on a losing position.
  • Losing the get-rich-quick mentality.



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 Founder Sher Khan Battles Mod Club

Sher Khan (FounderSher Khan Battles Mod Club NFTs) is the main Sher Khan of 517 different unique characters,  that is,  Founder Sher Khan.

 Each Sherkhan is the king of his own kingdom. Each king of the jungle that is,  Sher Khan, rules their own kingdom, and a universe consisting of 517 Sher Khans is formed, which is known as the Superverse-L. Those Sher Khans will play the main role in Mining, Battle, and P2E games.   

What are  Founder Sher Khan NFTs?

Founder Sher Khan Battles Mod Club is a high-label NFTs collection of 517 unique characters. They are all slightly different from each other. Their strength, performance, and fighting skills are top-notch. The company will launch NFTs in a total of seven stages or categories. The upper class here is the seventh-level NFTs, which are called Founder Sher NFTs.




SUPERVERSE-L is a virtual universe. A total of 517 Highest Achievers Lion, that is, Founder Sher Khan NFTs will reign in that universe. SUPERVERSE-L , consists of 517 large countries or large forests. Founder Sher Khan will reign in every country. Each country is made up of large tracts of forest.

 FOUNDER SHER KHAN will play a key role in protecting each country i.e. large forest areas. They will occupy the vast forests within the SUPERVERSE-L

Each FOUNDER SHER KHAN will be the king of each country i.e. large forest. They will be responsible for the governance and maintenance of large forest lands.

THE SUPERVERSE-L  is made up of 517 large countries or giant forests that are a virtual universe, created by the Polygon blockchain.



SUPERVERSE-L is a virtual universe. All forms of Sher Khan will reign in this universe. Each of them will love their own country i.e. the vast forest. They will protect their own forests.

 Here each of the 517 Founder Sher Khan will be king of their own vast forest. SUPERVERSE-L  will have a total of 20,00,0 Sher Khans. 517 of them are the Founder Sher Khan who is the King of every vast forest. Each country i.e. vast forest area consists of many states, districts, and villages.

The states, districts, and villages will be administered by Sher Khans of different classes according to their ability and skill.

Here the Sher Khans are divided into seven levels according to their abilities and skills.

Below are the seven stages or categories

1. Common

2. Rare

3. Energetic 

4. Ultra Energetic

5. Super Energetic

6. Legendary

7. Founder Sher Khan


This project is going to take a big shape in the future. We want to work hand in hand with a total of 30 companies, both small and large companies. In the future, 5 companies from the USA, 10 companies from India, and 15 companies from all over the world will play a major role in this project. This entire mega project will be managed by Shrimanta Jana from the USA, and Siddhartha Jana from India.

The whole company of this huge project will participate in DAO, and the whole project will be managed by DAO in the future. Our DAO is fully powered by blockchain, which is fully decentralized.

This project will have all art, different types of virtual games, Meta E-COM, Meta Business, Mining, and Trading which is a permanent income stream.

All these activities will be concentrated in a virtual universe, which is SUPERVERSE-L. SUPERVERSE-L is a huge virtual universe, in which 517 lions i.e. Founder Sher Khan will rule. SUPERVERSE-L is detailed by 517 vast countries or forests. Founder Sher Khan will be the king of those 500 countries or forests.


 $SHER are the precious gems hidden underground in 517 countries within the Superverse-L. $SER is the currency running on Superverse-L, That is, one $SHER can be obtained for 10000 $SER.

The gems called $SHER will be used for major purposes, such as weaponry, trade, warships, merchant ships, and the protection of vast forests.

$SER will be used to purchase small arms and build food and agriculture. $SER will be spent to get the hidden resources under the ground. $SER will be spent mostly on mining, the resources we will get from underground as a result of mining are -1. All equipment for munitions construction. 2. Fuel 3. Different types of copper, and iron for shipbuilding. 4. The precious gem $SHER.

Those who collect the $SHER precious stones from the ground by mining can change those $SHER stones into precious gems called $SHER through some process.

You can spend and save those precious gems called $SHER in different ways.

Stones and Gems are shown in the figure below –

$SHER Gemstones will be of different sizes, the size and weight of the stones will depend on the ability and skill of the Sher Khans.

 In the initial phase, all spending will be through $SER currency.

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