Founder Sher AD

 The golden light of the dawn of a bright future 

Founder Sher Khan Battles Mode Club

Sher Khan (FounderSher Khan Battles Mod Club NFTs) is the main Sher Khan of 517 different unique characters,  that is,  Founder Sher Khan.

 Each Sherkhan is the king of his own kingdom. Each king of the jungle that is,  Sher Khan, rules their own kingdom, and a universe consisting of

 517 Sher Khans is formed, which is known as the Superverse. Those Sher Khans will play the main role in Mining, Battle, and P2E games.   

 Which is a huge success.


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Bitcoin vs Ethereum: Difference between Bitcoin and Ethereum -NFT.CRYPTO.COM

 Bitcoin vs Ethereum: Difference between Bitcoin and Ethereum

Bitcoin vs Ethereum: Difference between Bitcoin and Ethereum -NFT.CRYPTO.COM

The two biggest cryptocurrencies by market size, Bitcoin and Ethereum, have significantly boosted the cryptocurrency industry. The conflict between Ethereum and Bitcoin has been ongoing for a while.

Bitcoin is referred regarded as "digital gold" due to its finite quantity, which is comparable to precious metals, as well as its simplicity in storage and division. The network used to run decentralised apps (dApps), or programmes not under the control of a single entity, is Ethereum, which is recognised as the world's first decentralised computer.

These two cryptocurrencies are the most popular ones by a wide margin. But there are numerous fundamental distinctions between these two systems, ranging from their supply to consumption, transactions per second to consensus mechanisms. Let's explore the universe of these two well-known cryptocurrencies and analyse how Bitcoin and Ethereum vary from one another.

  • Which is better Ethereum or Bitcoin?

  • Is Ethereum and Ethereum the same?

  • Is Bitcoin connected to Ethereum?


Bitcoin Satoshi Nakamoto founded Bitcoin in 2009, and it has grown in popularity over time, becoming known as the "digital dollar." It's the first time that a currency has never been issued or regulated by a government; instead, it consists only of balances connected to a public ledger that has been cryptographically secured.

This indicates that the whole Bitcoin network, which utilises the proof-of-work (PoW) algorithm, is based on a decentralised network of users. The network's regulations regulate a lot of elements, including the 21 million BTC supply cap.


After Bitcoin, Ethereum is the second-largest cryptocurrency. Its foundation is a 2013 whitepaper by Vitalik Buterin. The paper utilised smart contracts, a key component of decentralised apps (dApps). These dApps make it possible to employ ether and other cryptocurrencies as loan collateral or as interest-earning loans to borrowers.

By carrying out transactions and interacting with apps that use the Ethereum network, Ethereum has advanced blockchain technology.

Ethereum successfully switched from a proof-of-work (PoW) to a proof-of-stake (PoS) consensus mechanism on September 15, 2022 [More on this later in the blog]. It will have a consensus layer to synchronise chain information throughout the network and an execution layer to manage interactions with smart contracts. Along with that, PoS will cut Ethereum's energy use by about 99.95%.

Now that we are familiar with the fundamentals of both Bitcoin and Ethereum, let's examine how they vary from one another.

Bitcoin vs. Ethereum: A Comparison of the Two

The Bitcoin and Ethereum networks are built on top of public blockchains and encryption. However, in terms of consensus methods, applications, and other technological factors, they are very unlike from one another.

So let's compare Bitcoin and Ethereum's differences.

Ethereum vs. Bitcoin: Consensus Algorithm.

Blockchain technology is used by both Bitcoin and Ethereum, however Ethereum is far more dependable. Since Ethereum is Bitcoin's version 2.0, decentralised applications may be built on top of it.

Bitcoin uses a consensus method called proof of work (PoW), which enables network nodes to agree on the status of all information gathered and protects against certain network attacks. One of the primary problems with proof of work is that it uses a lot of computing power and hence consumes a lot of energy.

On the other side, Proof of Stake (PoS) replaces mining with staking, which consumes less energy, and validators rather than miners who stake their bitcoin holdings to allow the production of new blocks.

Ethereum vs. Bitcoin: Uses.

Since it was created to replace fiat money, bitcoin intends to function as both a medium of exchange and a repository for wealth. With Ethereum, consumers will have more control over their data and be able to build and use blockchain-based applications.

Both Bitcoin and Ethereum are digital currencies, but Ether's primary objective is to enable the operation of smart contracts, decentralised apps, and other blockchain-based solutions simpler and more profitable.

On the Ethereum network, there are also ERC-20 tokens with Bitcoin as their backbone. To take use of DApps, a tokenized version of Bitcoin was created and deployed on Ethereum.

Ethereum vs. Bitcoin: In Upcoming Times.

Scalability is a significant barrier impeding the widespread adoption of cryptocurrencies. If scaled properly, a blockchain network can handle up to billions of transactions per second (TPS). By handling and settling off-chain transactions in this instance, the Lightning Network lowers energy costs associated with Bitcoin's blockchain. New use cases, including quick micropayments, are made possible by this.

Similar to this, high transaction costs are incurred due to the Ethereum blockchain's traffic congestion. The network congestion problem can be easily fixed by layer 2 networks linking to the layer 1 chain of Ethereum. These L2 scalability solutions serve as roads that connect to Ethereum's highway, offloading traffic to make it effective and affordable.

Polygon (MATIC), one of Ethereum's well-liked L2 sidechains, has a throughput capacity of roughly 7,000 TPS.

Bitcoin vs Ethereum: Summary

The difference between Bitcoin and Ethereum is summarized in the table given below:

Bottom Line

Ether and bitcoin are comparable in many ways. Which network is best for you will be determined by the reason for which you will be utilising the platforms: Bitcoin vs. Ethereum

Ethereum will be your best option for creating decentralised applications (dApps) and smart contracts, but peer-to-peer payment systems like Bitcoin work better.

Bitcoin vs Ethereum - FAQs

1) Should you invest in Ethereum in 2022?

Even after the fluctuations in the first half of 2022, crypto experts believe that Ethereum will break above $4,000 again in 2022.

2) What is a lightning network?

In a two-party transaction technique known as the Lightning Network channel, parties can send or receive payments to each other. By handling transactions outside of the blockchain mainnet (layer one), layer two increases the scalability of blockchain technology while still utilizing the strong decentralized security paradigm of the mainnet.

3) What is the best cryptocurrency in 2022?
The Ethereum Blockchain Internet Polygon (MATIC) is one of the booming cryptocurrencies in 2022.



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 Founder Sher Khan Battles Mod Club

Sher Khan (FounderSher Khan Battles Mod Club NFTs) is the main Sher Khan of 517 different unique characters,  that is,  Founder Sher Khan.

 Each Sherkhan is the king of his own kingdom. Each king of the jungle that is,  Sher Khan, rules their own kingdom, and a universe consisting of 517 Sher Khans is formed, which is known as the Superverse-L. Those Sher Khans will play the main role in Mining, Battle, and P2E games.   

What are  Founder Sher Khan NFTs?

Founder Sher Khan Battles Mod Club is a high-label NFTs collection of 517 unique characters. They are all slightly different from each other. Their strength, performance, and fighting skills are top-notch. The company will launch NFTs in a total of seven stages or categories. The upper class here is the seventh-level NFTs, which are called Founder Sher NFTs.




SUPERVERSE-L is a virtual universe. A total of 517 Highest Achievers Lion, that is, Founder Sher Khan NFTs will reign in that universe. SUPERVERSE-L , consists of 517 large countries or large forests. Founder Sher Khan will reign in every country. Each country is made up of large tracts of forest.

 FOUNDER SHER KHAN will play a key role in protecting each country i.e. large forest areas. They will occupy the vast forests within the SUPERVERSE-L

Each FOUNDER SHER KHAN will be the king of each country i.e. large forest. They will be responsible for the governance and maintenance of large forest lands.

THE SUPERVERSE-L  is made up of 517 large countries or giant forests that are a virtual universe, created by the Polygon blockchain.



SUPERVERSE-L is a virtual universe. All forms of Sher Khan will reign in this universe. Each of them will love their own country i.e. the vast forest. They will protect their own forests.

 Here each of the 517 Founder Sher Khan will be king of their own vast forest. SUPERVERSE-L  will have a total of 20,00,0 Sher Khans. 517 of them are the Founder Sher Khan who is the King of every vast forest. Each country i.e. vast forest area consists of many states, districts, and villages.

The states, districts, and villages will be administered by Sher Khans of different classes according to their ability and skill.

Here the Sher Khans are divided into seven levels according to their abilities and skills.

Below are the seven stages or categories

1. Common

2. Rare

3. Energetic 

4. Ultra Energetic

5. Super Energetic

6. Legendary

7. Founder Sher Khan


This project is going to take a big shape in the future. We want to work hand in hand with a total of 30 companies, both small and large companies. In the future, 5 companies from the USA, 10 companies from India, and 15 companies from all over the world will play a major role in this project. This entire mega project will be managed by Shrimanta Jana from the USA, and Siddhartha Jana from India.

The whole company of this huge project will participate in DAO, and the whole project will be managed by DAO in the future. Our DAO is fully powered by blockchain, which is fully decentralized.

This project will have all art, different types of virtual games, Meta E-COM, Meta Business, Mining, and Trading which is a permanent income stream.

All these activities will be concentrated in a virtual universe, which is SUPERVERSE-L. SUPERVERSE-L is a huge virtual universe, in which 517 lions i.e. Founder Sher Khan will rule. SUPERVERSE-L is detailed by 517 vast countries or forests. Founder Sher Khan will be the king of those 500 countries or forests.


 $SHER are the precious gems hidden underground in 517 countries within the Superverse-L. $SER is the currency running on Superverse-L, That is, one $SHER can be obtained for 10000 $SER.

The gems called $SHER will be used for major purposes, such as weaponry, trade, warships, merchant ships, and the protection of vast forests.

$SER will be used to purchase small arms and build food and agriculture. $SER will be spent to get the hidden resources under the ground. $SER will be spent mostly on mining, the resources we will get from underground as a result of mining are -1. All equipment for munitions construction. 2. Fuel 3. Different types of copper, and iron for shipbuilding. 4. The precious gem $SHER.

Those who collect the $SHER precious stones from the ground by mining can change those $SHER stones into precious gems called $SHER through some process.

You can spend and save those precious gems called $SHER in different ways.

Stones and Gems are shown in the figure below –

$SHER Gemstones will be of different sizes, the size and weight of the stones will depend on the ability and skill of the Sher Khans.

 In the initial phase, all spending will be through $SER currency.

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